Huck Finn revisited


“So you got all dem durn preacha’s a preaching Christ died for you, when its “The Kingdom of God” dat asetsyou free. And he was seen on Easter.”

No, were I to go down the river in a raft and with a minority I would hope the buffoonish negative-American scene Huck witnessed, never be seen.

The skirmishes between the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons,  undilutably sad for Huck, and the hucksters pretending to be nobles, making Huck and Jim wait on them; those are things I never want to see.

And it’s true, things took a turn for the worse right past where the Ohio river joins the Mississippi river, past Illinois, the last free state, with Jim a runaway slave errant; And things are more violent and newsworthy in the South. I experienced the same myself; yet I would rescue people, to spin it in most positive unfair terms; or the old people ran into living in the woods, cool Viet Nam vets. Course I was 30 before I escaped into the curiously politer domain of the south; where everyone was tougher than a city slicker like me.  It is easier to fabricate a more sinister world to a youngster like Huck; for with age comes bonds, and torn veils illuminating enlightenment. It seems everyone’s childhood had oppressions we don’t consider now, ideally. At least the people have this conception. Differentiate between the people and the media production. Huck Finn, the book falls into the latter category and thus prone to the succor, a good hard core tail such as this, requires.  I was always amazed how On the Road starts with Jack stealing his brother in laws car.

Another childhood-adult contrast is how while this was a favorite book growing up I read several times; for the life of me, in this day and age, as I examined it, I did not remember a bit of the actual plot; How it all starts when “Pap”, his abusive father, kidnaps Huck from the widow something, taking him across the mighty Mississippi, where he kept him hid in a cabin; which, aside from tannings, Huck loved and liked much more than going to school. Heck I thought Huck went down the river with Tom and Jim, just a bit part. But Jim is a star in this book. Its just funny how my memory of that book is of a great fun book, without any specific memories of the plot. And if everyone is the kingdom of god, then there is no need for education, at this level. And the skills the mind needs to know to work with me assumed or taught how. I don’t know how to explain the mind to you to make it work. But surely that comes first, before a job or two, industry and time not working. So Pap’s anti-school speech, Huck would have to evade him on the way into school, was quite ironic; as learning can come much swifter outside school.  How foggy was my mind to love the book  without remembering particularities. As Truth is apprehended more, there must be, right?, an increased apprehension of minute details and generally orderly mind capable of apprehending order.

In some ways, my identifying of the plot—-the plot reminds me of Caesar’s plots in his book The Gallic Wars. It’s the same thing, one adventure after another sandwiching days hiding on islands and nights rafting to the Ohio River, but it rains bad that night, and they run into a shipwreck where the crew are bandits or something and at odds with each other; for which Huck and Jim end up with their loot and canoe; fulfilling the mysterious prophecy of Tom Sawyer in the beginning of the book when he swore them all as outlaws and robbers; For Huck runs the raft out with a lot of his fathers stuff, then comes across Jim on the Island he hides out on, having disguised his running away as a murder, for which his father and Jim are prime suspects; because his father is after the fortune he made from the last book, trusted by Judge Thatcher.

The problem is that I am a little like Huck Finn; who isn’t in a world full of lies over their head? So it’s not just the quaint accent, one may pick up reading this book, or the enhancement of walks along all aquatic actuaries; it’s the sense whoa; those people pretending to nobles are very evil, like Pap, and the feud, and the robbers on the shipwreck; even Huck getting Jim sick with a rattlesnake bite on the island isn’t fun but tragic. Thus the comedy radiates out of the tragedy.  The best, even most American or homespun comedy is when it is used to mitigate tragedy.

Missouri by the way, is a superior state; comfortable with reading and writing, and the friendliest bible belt I’ve ever seen. But boy, after snaking away from his father on a raft, there is one episode after another involving some of the nastiest connotations of America I’ve ever seen. A downright resentment shown in the form of a contempt, through description, of the older characters in the book. As if the feud isn’t enough, Huck and Jim, get caught up with swindlers, who high tail out of towns, where there are killings, and stupid people; the most mournful depiction of American life; though this be Arkansas not Missouri, one of the great things about being on the road in America is the great Americans you meet. I had gained a lot of manners seeing the crazy things in the south; but they were good hearted crazy things at bottom; process of reformation.


This story is about generations of childhood and adult; both as readers, and characters. The stuff that goes down along the Mississippi, is not the stuff good southerners, such as my affection, would ever be associated with; even though it be the inner less effective western parts of the south; perhaps Midwestern hued; anyway; I had anger, a poetic anger, as Twain demonstrates, a theatrical anger, towards the cars, or the older generation; as Twain has; and such may be natural in America, if we understand our founders may have sacrificed diversity for homogeneity in the acceptance of a federal government rather than several smaller countries. In that a federal government, for a vast area, is never the first choice; as in this case it was decided on to prevent violence between the states; which is certainly did; save 1860-1865 a whole nother issue. But what was sacrificed was smaller areas paying more attention to themselves, and leading themselves; as well as the whole excitement of having many different countries here; would have been kinder to the Indian, a wonderful complex diplomacy of states, all considered too high and unattainable an ideal. A united defense was definitely behind the federal government.

See, to be sure, there was the great classical civilizations from 800bc – Jesus. Hebrews, The Roman Republic, and Ancient Greece. Each in their own part of the world, each all distinctive and everything. And their histories were easily told, plot-filled narratives. They took their history seriously, had it about things like peoples or ideas or cultural dominance of tribal situations encroached in government forms reminiscent of today’s formation of power. Today’s formation of power owes its life to the American Movement, which led full tilt the transformation from not only a war-ridden Europe, but a stupid war ridden Europe, a medieval epoch without a theme or persuasion but just different people in small areas gaining power and deciding to expand; it was like bad TV. Ergo, America’s History raises the curve, even as expectations, given history’s contrast, needn’t be so high. And yet, as there is no longer a need to provide a check upon state on state conflicts, the federal government could give way to one of the most exciting chapters in History, in a good way too.

Thus America was a pointed break from European History, to an extent Twain resented the encroachment upon states turning to themselves for leadership, that he exponentially manifested a venom upon the older generation. A venom, I as 27, did have; but swiftly got over, in a forced resurging hug with the human race, through a getting along with humanity; in short, for every season, turn turn, a time for venom a time for love. I can not play one part for the problems of the whole. I may find Hamilton and Madison and even Jefferson insidious and cowardly, but this is merely comic touch, I have no real hatred of them because I know there is the kingdom of god, and the show, illusioned quite powerfully, through the inner workings of mind, good meditations seek to unravel.

It is only childhood itself, or that spell, of ignorance, and too many veils, where true hatred venom may erupt. So it is knowledgeable, if not ironic that in a novel about an adolescent, crooking and crawing good naturedly his way through everything, as we all do; would have characterizations of adults and world imbued with a negative tincture. And yet this is not the south I know by a stretch. See the rainbow family of living light, used to and still does, (see there used to be an Alabama regional in Talladega Forest every year, I went to it two years in a row, 94 and 95, and after the first one, hiking through the forest to Tuscaloosa, and then on along country roads to Mississippi. In any event, these regional’s, February ones in Ocala National Forest of Florida, brought me South and kept me South, where there were gators and big trees, out houses, accents and more many more older women with younger men, than vice versa. So I have to object to this sacrifice of humanity, for the face of childhood, even as the code of childhood may dictate.

In any event, America certainly has an easy to follow history, with attempted ideals, and some effort at culture, which because we are not tied into production enough, we lose; Medieval History is much harder to follow.

However European actuality has the following point and remarks, that they have preserved their countryside; while the first sensation garnering you from Twain’s Book, written in the 1870’s about the 1840’s, is the destruction of America’s wildlife and nature is a serious tragedy we all know: So beautiful are the sensations of the Mississippi that waft out of those begotten times.

And this tragedy may be insinuated to several causes. The first is that all the European warfare and battle fields, the blood that went into their soil, compelled a protection of nature, as the destruction of land fought for, for foolish ignorance, if not downright calculated control of society by higher power; could not be so desecrated and unappreciated.

Secondly because European states and kingdoms, duchies and Yorkshires were small, and less governed over a large region but by smaller regions; so the more intimate attention to what matters most for the people. This concern, could have been consistently protected, as the protection of locals making decisions in peaceful assemblies; that is known to protect the destruction of forest and farmland. As well as citable maxims, such as were quoted to me in Britain, such as “Everyone benefits from open land, so there is a “National Trust” ensuring land stays undestroyed” or “People are concentrated in Urban areas to protect the countryside” this wisdom is contradicted by suburbia. For often you can walk from the center of a city, to its edge, straight onto farmland. Then there is something out Asia, “Earth is owned by future generations, not past or current ones.”

A federal government over so vast a land, too easily caved in to evil. Because no one has said, the need to keep the states from warring is long gone; or the very human right for communities to make decisions together. The very quality uniting republican government by voting for representatives, while conflicting with the kingdom of god, though to be controlled by the forces upon history for more and better play than existed with feudalism, has been evilly manipulated to justify local officials and down trod the more logical form of local decisions of ayes and nays in peaceful assembly. Yet you can not blame the local officials insofar as the people have not responded to or initiated their ideas; So if people and media have not responded to these precepts; one can not blame local officials for not responding either.

I also have little doubt the migration over here, jarred tribal and or pagan sensibilities to the degree that few from heaven, who came from America, looked over us; that there is a metaphysical sacrifice of America.

Part of it is in the example of slavery, for we have to ask, regarding Jim’s depiction, is Twain as racist? His portrayal of Jim is fair; and Jim seems to benefit and improve his character through his travels, as I did at his age in my travels. There is also the consistent experience of the most downtrodden having good experiences with other races. And yet does it really make sense? Slavery benefits no one, and would they wish to return to Africa? So easily do we ignore. For this constitutes the personality Twain and classical media has portrayed. As proverbial a complex stereotype as other nationalities. Jim consistently to me became a more and more reliable character as the story goes on; both to Huck and himself; finding himself fine and confident as a runaway slave.

In the beginning, there is reference to Huck’s propensity for sleeping outside instead of in the bedroom provided for him by Widow Thatcher. How that made me long for my old childhood, had I guts and inquisition to sleep outside alone as a youngster; for there is and was a woods right across the street, where we played building forts, out of collected large branches, up against huge old fallen trees, near stark naked trees hit by lightening, eerily distinguished some seasons; and the point is, my wisdom could have come more swiftly had I had that gumption. So I ask everyone to make sure there is no one blocking out the stars, and winds of the universe in their life. Indeed, one hallmark of love seems an increased awareness of earth as a celestial ball, and other planets hovering about. And I have little doubt, depriving Huck of his alcoholic abusive father, enabled his perception of the haunting outdoor nights; Look at how kept by his father a few chapters, he is not able to leave the cabin for days while Pap is away in town or something. It is true and awkward, that in calculating decisions, we are often shown wrong ones.

His highly developed character, friend, Tom, who is well read to boot, is the erudite well read knowledgeable relating sort, whereas Huck is a bit of the out of control alcoholic. The negative characterizations of the older men begins with the Pap, and the liberal judge who only learns of Pap’s true character upon inviting him over for the weekend. There is little malice towards women. They seem forgiven, perhaps having had little to do with the American Revolution. It is humiliating his father slept with the hogs, and even more so, physically abused him. And yet to be able to lie, cheat and steal like Huck, requires an innocence that requires an ignorance, that is very much like the alcoholic being out of control, and yet to himself, Huck approves of his behavior, or at least is kept from analysis of it, which keeps him stuck in his personality mode: because it hard to analyze a survival mentality because over all in general things are so bad that over all in general is the cause of everything, and isolated misbehaviors not the case.

I mean the kid fakes his own death; which would only make him more known, but is sick involves killing a pig, yet a good doctor could know the difference between pig blood and human blood; intimidating enough, for a youngster; nor do they search Jackson Island; How intimidating is it to kill a pig? How romantic is it to take such steps as to not be pursued, though how hard is to figure Huck’d float down the Mississippi? They probably knew it would be a good trip for him. And maybe it’s all a dream and the feud of the gavels and shepherds, merely reminiscent of civilization and the Jews; and the phony royalty, our own convoluted misunderstood break from medieval history, back to a classical age, that never analyzed itself as such, even though clearly, it was. Because people are the kingdom of god, to bear the sacrifice the universe demands far better. This is where we are stuck. The dreams go on in almost Freudian fashion. A badgering drunk at a shore town the swindlers are hooking, gets shot as a heckler to a stern powerful man; symbolizing the death of alcoholism to prurience of homogenized society.

Is it written from a pseudonym nom-de-guerre sort of hippy thing; in that like the rainbows all go by pseudonyms or real names they make up for themselves. For as a writer, the pride of writing means putting your own name on it. Was Clemens so aware of his vitriolic streak that he used an alias. Is the reason for his alias his condemnation of River Life as fraught with immorality? And is this then his writing in the sense of Pushkin and Turgenev et al in czarist Russia, under strict censor guidelines, thus requiring cultural sophistication to make any moral statement; though if Twain is telling the Mississippi to get its moral act together; I dare say more heartwarming account is sought. But the fact of the matter is that professional media and art, in large part is about buying into a history fraught with perils that challenge and plague individuals as society, and the impression upon us of them.

They say the increased population is the point; so more are sacrificed for the universe; for some point; because things can change, as the kingdom of god is bandied around more.

Like I am jealous of Huck’s sleeping outside, and let me tell you, in my older years, when I tried to catch up from oppression, there were years not only when I slept on the ground at Rainbow Gatherings and Hiking Trails, but later on, as learning agricultural trade, that I spent many many nights in humble conditions, and felt great, like I was satiating myself, like it was very healthy….but I digress….I am also jealous of Huck’s hunting or rather animal-murdering skills. While I have briefly raised hundreds of chickens very kindly for processing, While I have knowledge about how to field dress a dear; that is cut a dear into as manageable a form for transporting it back to a vehicle from the woods. While I have had my pet standard poodle retrieve me geese by the wing for me to twist their neck….I have yet to wring the neck, pull the trigger or stuff and pack the boxes for the processing plant; it is one of those things that I know I should do; but something is blocking that experience. Ironically, now I know the truth of Twain’s Huck’s Father known for sleeping with the hogs; My own father was and is, a hoarder; that is a very messy person whose house quickly filled up; and doesn’t deal with it. Obviously the more you shout from the rooftops your problem the more able you are going to deal with your problem. Well, that is the question.

They bump upon in a storm in the night a shipwrecked book of robbers who from whose canoe with stash they get; which along with the stash on the raft from a boat floating downriver with a dead man, makes them fulfill the dream Tom Sawyer had when he swore his cohorts into a band of highwaymen, citing Don Quixote; and like Huck Finn, Don Quixote has such a great concept, and yet a very hard tragic humor as well; the difference being that Twain has an easy going humorous style to him, reminiscent of relaxing with someone in the park; whereas Cervantes really isn’t joking around with Don Quixote whereas Twain relates to Huck and Town and blacks; whereas Cervantes is relating a plot narrative without providing the quality of having experienced himself, the delusions Quixote mistakes for reality. The abrogation’s of experience by literature may pay for an upsurge in the unfocused on people. And yet applying the difficult work, Don Quixote, while revealing the imitating genius to Tom’s intelligence, not only is funny in the difficulty of applying Don Quixote to anything, but also sheds light on my own mimicking streak of genius. What do I mean by this. I mean these ways are revealed not created, and mind clearly has different sets to show me; even as I face straight their creation; and feel their tendons twang in my organs.

But the alcoholic is out of control, Huck is out of control or in an out of control situation he must master. And the true reader, values homespun company. These people are so simple, yet are they all there? And can they hold on as the going gets deeper; for the alcohol seems to lessen as responsibility increases.

The theory is the prey to these perils is the point to society; not improve or anthropologically develop. The racial complexities America has been heir to, are just another ingredient; which is why it is so graceful for any separation from the kingdom of god, by the kingdom of god, towards getting out of problems, or differentiating for reality is quite different from the narrative in books or set about you; even as you understand “you” as the projection of an appearance. Reality is the way earth really is, in the universe, with the mind as such; The false reality must be separated from the real reality and the real reality have its own narrative, whatever it is, of thoughts and experience, even feelings and observations.

The true kindness of Twain upon his swindlers is that as the raft drifts down current, a 12×16 raft I believe, they practice their scenes of Shakespeare; which gets such a poor response, that they shift to shiftier swindling things. So even that is an ironic commentary on the work and preparation of the older generation; that gives way to impromptu manipulating impression.

And at that town the county drunk gets shot for hackling a leading citizen; as if everything bad hasn’t already happened; in that the feud before the fake nobles, was the saddest thing I ever read, a war between families, reminiscent of the patriarchal reigns that dominated Abraham’s times; but very sad to lose family to warfare, especially many; when that sacrifice fulfills the universe. For that is what we talk about; whether media creations, what they bring about, as in does that remain, or lessen or what?

This is very much a novel about children and adults, and read by children and adults; it offers the unique opportunity to be read young, and decades later. So is metaphysics of this metaphor? Can metaphysics grow up? Can there be change in the universe? Does the Mayan Calendar ending next year signify change?  How do we end childhood, by realizing the kingdom of god? By apprehending the kingdom of god. So what is there for the near timeless opaque forms, which I don’t think are so great but miserable and weak; yet the different forms phenomena perceived of the universe to quantify is very important. And yet more, is there really our childhood, or childhood in general, here or in the universe. Isn’t the apprehension of truth inculcated early in truthful society? Isn’t childhood just lies? Can you expect the universe to “grow up” and find love and appreciation? And that change would constitute a change in perception and disposition and is that what growing up is?


Proper protocol, being on the run, is work for people a bit as you go along. And while Huck has plunder from missing canoes, and fish aplenty along the river plus berries and sundry from town from monies; all three of the people he finds along the river; the women he inquires into as to the gossip regarding his disappearance; the wealthy feuding family, and the two con-men—are people who he could work for and have and are employer-like qualities. But of course, such is the ill effect of slavery, why work, if you are traveling with a slave; a class that transcends the boss-labor relationship. The freedom to move is a wonderful freedom. Our freedoms are not enjoyed, because we bow down to a static tradition, and an untruthful one, because we are in a greater metaphysic encompassing the universe. These two did play servants to the Duke and King. I have wondered ironically how much my life may would have been improved had I had servants who had to do whatever I say. Of course the Russian literary take on such is comical, as the servant is always infuriating and the higher, genuinely trying to help.

That being said, as the truth of the kingdom of god awaits, one sees Huck and Myself saying good-bye. So brave of Huck to feign his own murder, and so fallow of me to not say good by myself to my friends I quickly think over. For it seems we must say good bye, to move on, and while the abusive people cause crying that I may never save them, my cool friends know and understand they could never help enough anyway. This is an implicit admission of the kingdom of god and greater reality.

And if Huck is barely in control, perhaps a drunk not alcoholic, then how out of control is the feud and Huck’s friend there Buck, who dies, shooting off the feud, with his young buddy. All of this echoes the good and bad of alcohol. A good time, with a negative portrayal of what would actually seem the worst of America, and quite intimidating, if survival skill building, the alcoholic doesn’t survive though, whereas the adolescent should.

It’s the way we are made; it’s a very calculated impression upon kingdom of god; that’s what a narrator is; but a good narrator tries to show the not true side to everything; tragedy is grounded in the audience seeing the not true, that it is not true being the back drop.

Slavery consistent with classical no medieval politics; Times seemed better with many small states in republican representative upper class government, than medieval politics; but slavery a part; how mellow, how untrue, how easily unshackled through pagan means; indeed how much of the pagan world a flow of sacrifice, sacrificial history, soley that; and the christian world of less or no slavery, an oppressive form for protagnosists capable of being outside history, and in reality, by cultural virtue.

But if a pagan world had no protagnoist and its kingdom of god watched over and engaged within through each tribe having their own representative in heaven; and society historical with war; well, the hard “reality” along the Mississippi according to train, puts a number on people’s back, the way war did; but it is more up to chance; and also more individually pressed; rather than societal and group

So the news I complain about very much in Twain’s world.

These individual and news impressions bend you can feel the bend, the twist into personality from God or Goddess

Many people die, such condition war chance

You see the lie, hucks sees the fraud, nothing you can do about it, paddling around and for authority, authority is all wrong in this world, that’s the thing, in childhood, in adulthood, in the universe. But it bespeaks, what why and How is Huck even doing with these people, and where is Jim, how powerless is he?

Further down south like increased heat bugs and violence, more elaborate con, diabolical ordering around of Huck, who must be quite strong now after all that rowing, more vague crowded society, mob and lynch drunk, now off to steamboat upon hearing story, elaborate fraud.

Arrive at town, see like Huck, swirl of energy, public figures protagonists in town pretending to be related to wealthy recently deceasesd fooling Huck’s love interest; there is love in the south; fact whole south is married, that’s its wimpy side.

He’s playing the funeral, which may be a northern thing;

Almost hard to read, what these charlantans fool stupid people now
AS is feud, alter to slaves

Very suspenseful, first you think all the towns people trickin them, when they short 400 of 6000, put in their money; then you think they are in for it, when some distinguishes them as imposters. You think its curtains; but the girls fall for the wise??? Great suspense at 6000 dollars in kitchen as a servant being asked about England. Or as Huck writes, “The ice was getting mighty thin at times.” because he says the king goes to church with em, and er in the summertime by the sea, but its an inland town the imposter is from. Then after getting by the maiden, Huck forgets his imposter uncle is a pastor. But tragedy reigns, as the younger sister is catching on to Huck, her older sister will have none of it. That though makes Huck guilty so he starts plotting how to turn the tables on the counterfeits.

Totally forgot Huck hides the money in the coffin, that then gets buried.

Cooler slang, “didn’t see no way to chip in and change the tune.”
Selling the niggers, and bad sale theory, but ired own. Separating women outside the town. But,many plot twistsin this extra episode, Huck blames the sold niggers when prosecuted—–eerily like the sopranos. The niggas did it.

The story really gets page turning and readable in this second swindling attempt that ultimately fails, and Huck and Jim escape the false nobles finally on the raft on a stormy night, but somehow the hucksters escape the crowd onto them Huck escaped, and found a canoe and caught up with the raft. Huck says it almost made him cry to see them found im.

It was an incredible tale, with more three dimensional views of the people rather than more stock charactorizations, had me turning page after page, couldn’t stop reading, getting into those plots, with the calculations of charactors, and twists of fate; as well as an author designing words that accurately depict a adolescent though Huck Loves Mary Jane, getting older; depicting Huck. But on the raft with the men, the criminals they tried to escape with. In all the questioning of the charlantans ensued by the real relatives showing up; Huck never betrayed his abusive raft company; a traumatic inability to critically relate; as Twain’s America fails to supply confidence, though the depiction of the people gets kinder, by contrast it’s not. Thus Twains view of America as traumatized, and engaged unhealthily, is consistent with Hucks failure to turn in his crime leaders.

But the criminals, in the raft, suspicious how the money got in the coffin; upon whose discovery they were able to escape; having been led up to the burial to see an identifiable tatoo on the body; were suspicious at each other, and at one another but retiring in hate to their corners, they both drank their bottles, and were tight as thieves again.

Far South have you seen Spanish moss, quite characterizes the southern warm south. Lost all their money, no luck with other hustles, but still on the boat, some good, some bad, so they plot more, probably to sell Jim. Which they do.

The childhood understanding of slavery is incredible. It is an issue Twain grapples with and not afraid to insinuate about. Though a very tight subject, Twain covers it more deeply than any fiction I’ve read. Both Twain Franklin in his autobiography another favorite book from adolescent, well franklin preaches and practices morals in a believable rewarding style; and Twain imbues a similar feel, for in being about yourself, or the young you create that feeling, of morality, though Franklin through promoting good, Twain’s showing of evil makes one yearn for moral reality: Though civilization can’t make that handle as individuals are made what they are; such our creator to blame for everything; and therefore, individuals have to be made, in families and close quarters unsuccessful in any mindful effort or spirit to achieve salvation. Mark Twain might say things like; the lack of salvation in the world means things are really bad, people are really stupid. Or; Or it’s not Jesus was so great, it’s the fallen world was and is so bad.

Increased thoughtfulness to a thoughtful 14 yr old Huck? Him is his conscience, and morality reckoning Jim’s misfortune. Whereas time on a raft, one would hope, would reveal the kingdom of god.–now off to rescue Jim, plotting better been around the hustlers, lying and fooling well, as a child, really churning plot where beginning marked by episodes, Tom, Widow, Pap, Jims island, shipwreck and dead man boat, storm miss ohio, feud, then nonesuch, formulaic, like Don Quihote, adventure after adventure linked on similar premises, but not naturally leading from one thing to another as in these further reaches of the story, where action on its own compels further action; Huck has to get rid of these people, so hard, more than an episode. Now good story, rescue Jim from farm.

Talks about the sense of death, dead all around, true KH, and how mournful it makes you, for the present suffers the future, and past looker outs, if the Indians don’t go through what later generations feel.

Any sense of pa people deciding together with slavery? That classical solution thought of? Indian gods?

Liberalism, stupidity comes from fear from how bad earth is off; scared to admit it so scary; rather than affirm their belief in a reality worse than appearace

Jim-star, marriage, seriously often hurt, sopranos, flagrant side, like world to me bearable by its very flagrancy; flagrancy perceived?

Attitudetowards slaves,real analysis, almost funny (stgima not on whites but blacks for not talking their way out of it, embarrassing) hope they don’t revolt, Jim doted on in small farm prison. Funny attitude as Huck and Tom analyze freeing Jim. Tom’s a downer on the plot now, going in unforeseen ever seen places.

Twain’s perplexed take on slavery wonders how it can be, painful on the intellect and actual economy as it be, since farm living ain’t bad. It doesn’t make sense how Tom can find the Phelp’s farm, who’ve bought Jim, to have a larger house for whites and smaller cabins for blacks; its seems dreamlike; for wouldn’t the blacks merely have to explain to the whites the unreasonableness of the situation; so must blacks feel embarrassed by slavery, as whites to feel guilt? Likewise the impulse for locals to come together in peaceful assembly and make decisions in ayes and nays; quite an honest, human instinct; both current and Twain’s time seem absent of those species considerations. I see how the personality is imposed, but I see no imposition of this natural concern. Twain parodies the constitutional notion of town gatherings making decisions with ayes and nays, as the angry mob, now after this monster, now after these charlatans, coalescing for tomfoolery, not serious politics of society.

Huck hurries along to infiltrate the place without a plan confident in providence to speak well for him. Mind you these hard situations come about precisely as he is a child. Were he an adult, he might have explained and used moral force upon the Phelps. That this exponent is unable to capitalize on the obvious, held back, emphasizes, the impression of society upon each, rather than individuals impressions upon society.

Yet Huck should have no confidence in his tongue, as he revealed he was not from England quite readily, only for the comic turn of events he wasn’t exposed by Mary Jane, in the house of the past town; While his high regard for Mary Jane evidences his growing up into the love stages of adolescent teen-age hood; we have to rule to providence the name Mary Jane is not known slang for marijuana, and all kids like Huck known to like and want to smoke it. I am almost certain marijuana smoking was not a part of the culture back then; and yet here is a slang for it. What’s up with that? Providence?

No one gets local peaceful assembly, were there more reality, people would; however reality is different than the reality that’s projected. This energy, translated into adulthood from childhood ; well what happens? The whole thing seems a fraud as the king and duke of the raft. That includes Slavery. Yet the psychological ripples and attributions to Slavery, must be seen woven within society. The concourse of Twain’s Slaveholders, who are very common not especially rich people either; seems to adopt an attitude of munificence of kindness and charm, a doting, as was said; and at the same time, Jim is imprisoned in a shack with a bed with shackle. Cruelty cum Kindness, as was said.

The only way Huck infiltrates the farm, is because they are expecting Tom Sawyer. Yes Tom Sawyer! In the farther back nine of the book, Tom Sawyer is due at this farm, as cousins; So at this point, for me anyway, the whole expedition becomes a dream or a metaphor; indeed, the feud, the charlatans, the shipwrecked robbers, the rattlesnake, what are the odds of all that, I wonder. These are just too unnatural sheer newsworthy events for one to just run into one by one. Oh I mean I suppose that is possible for an adolscent christ back then to make his way so; but even that would have projected him on a historical papypus. Just the sheer odds of Tom coming out to the farm then and there kills all the natural plotting and wits and deception one figures he’d learn from just by reading this book. That’s like hitting the lottery, don’t know anyone who did. Who can buy something, but can you sell something????

Literature has metaphor, in a world of lies, in literature that got metaphor, something is like something, and that means something; and this meaning has significance. And this is in a literary-historical world. If he goes to a farm to rescue Jim, so far so all makes sense, and the farm is expecting Tom Sawyer, well that’s like a wet dream to someone growing up. It’s a national merger of culture upon adult mind trying to depict childhood, with surprising minerals. But I’m just thinking is this supposed to be in the style of the book as in the comic “Rally Round the Flag boys” mentality, where really it’s wacky enough to have such comic coincidence; or is this ridiculous, or really possible through a wild throw of the dice?

And then, when they are both ensconced in the farm, rather than bust Jim out through ripping a piece of wood part boarding up a window, and hightailing down the river again, Huck, Jim and Tom; Tom’s prescence a part in narrative style to Tom’s literary dominance ordering instead a hold to be dug in underneath through an adjunct Shed, and other elaborate reflections of medieval literature: sneak a rope ladder in through a huge pie; so they never do just bust Jim out, as Tom is all pratter, and Huck unable to change the tune; like Huck waking up to being a literary giant character, in a web off tom sawyer, which made Twain rich, as it did Tom and Huck; a denuoement from the dream to the more boring actuality of place in literary analysis;

But the Phelpers, new owners of Jim dey trying to break in the shack, while being nice to him, were, like the phelps versus snyder, were farmer preachers and believed in salvation here and now, and you need that to farm, to incorporate the real politic of the kingdom of god into agrarian culture; as that was what was lost in the post ww2 transition to a business not production world, really, the farm life is generally whats ahead for the Huck’s and Tom’s of the world back then. The background of finally a good farm, even as they imprison Jim, restores the sleep; the restless dream is winding down into Tom’s prattling, and childish going nowhere antics, in sharp contrast to Huck’s adult businesslike behavior.
Yet tho imprisoned by the Phelps, Jim did them and the whole town, sure to make him well-regarded, telling them about the fake king and noble and their performace, so in the middle of the show, the locals rushed the stage and then tarred and feathered and carried them around jostling on a bar, and they pass Huck, and Huck feels sorry for them, which is curious, because their commumpance was delivered, and they swindled many many people, unless we understand the trauma of the abused, for Huck is abused by the adults, probably the most by these two, and the syndrome of feeling sorry for your oppressors.

This was a real case of the audience becoming the stage. Yet as Huck felt sorry for the king and duke, he refered to them in his mind as king and duke, yet they were merely king and duke to him, not really at all worthy of the titles beyond the imposition on his rowing and following orders, even though he mistakenly rescued them from being chased by a town further down the Mississippi.
How a real a show is life? Certainly this shows the imposition of a greater reality upon a child, that may not be grasped by the more adult, and less believing. And a show must be stopped. For this is a show upon us, for all it is, which to must stop, believe less in, for other things, an elaborate construction is true.
How can you have a preacher, and a slave? It just don’t make no sense. One horrible facet of the Classical age of Antiquity was a subjucation of the agricultural class, as to the Helots of Sparta, or the semi-autonomous farmers outside Rome who hoped their fields never trampled, and provided the republic with corn. Agriculture is healthy and fit and rewarding; maybe the equation of nonfeudal government included a seperation from agriculture; which is undesirable, as medieval times tended to encompass fields and agriculture as vital supply towards the richness of the small noble fiefdom.
Twain grapples with that while Huck would steal Jim out of slavery, Huck has a hard time accepting that a boy well read as Tom, would steal Jim out of Slavery. This is what passes for the analysis of mores then.

Tom’s ability to make busting out Jim more complicated than taking the board out the window, reminds me of an author trying to make a plot more complex; Tom’s ability is grounded in his having read books about freeing prisoners.

When they get in the shack with the nigga feeding Jim, Jim gives them away recognizing them, as children in an adult world, and then Tom convinces the nigga tending Jim that was a witch and nothing happened.
Just saying slavery is embarrassing to blacks and whites. So then rather then bust Jim out and set along the Mississippi, as if this is the lesser of two evils, Tom sets out to dig Jim out, which takes a while, and then even does not lead to an escape. I also really did not remember this part of Huck Finn, Jim being captured, nor how prominent the role of the charlatans were. Tom goes from people a readaholic to a fool; in his fumbling and not freeing Jim.

Huck is traumatized, slavery is traumatic, Jim deals with it, the book tries to deal with the trauma we lie about it, the swindling is a traumatic environment, as the deaths along the river, Huck sees the drunk, Buck and Buck’s cousin, and what turns out to be Pap, dead in the houseboat. That’s 4 deaths in one or two months, to be close to—-which causes the dream like state which segue ways into Tom not doing while appearing to be doing, like a dream, which it is really not, certainly american trauma, Indian spell. Story ends at farm.

Huck has no peers, like me, have to enjoy being alone more and more;;;;or what constitutes alone. The solitude is greater than the madness. Childhood is a different, abused and dirty heart, It’s the crazyness going “arrgh” at you; the influences upon you greater and you are not strong or capable enough to rotate, or remain, identify or remanage. A different heart unaware of salvation and the possibility f more greater realtiy. Childhook lacks the audacity to think of earth, itself the whole planet, who a pin prick on, which is so necessary towards escaping situations and gaining perspective

Tom is too complacent, and lacking action, which while written has a realness that the adolscent play of Tom lacks. Pretend is what kids are
Nation, texas


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